Online Reporting FAQ

What can be reported online?

Incident Types:

Burglary of a Motor Vehicle:

定义:  A person commits an offense if, without the effective consent of the owner, he breaks into or enters a vehicle or any part of a vehicle with intent to commit any felony or theft.

Example:  Breaks into or enters a vehicle or any part of a vehicle with intent to commit any felony or theft.

Credit/Debit Card Abuse:

定义:  A person uses the credit card or debit card of another person without the permission of the person the card was issued to.

Example:  A person takes a credit card belonging to someone else and then charges merchandise on the card without the permission of the card holder.

Criminal Mischief (Damage under $2,500)

定义:  A person intentionally damages property belonging to another without the owner’s permission.

Example:  A person returns to their parked car and finds the tires slashed.  The replacement cost of the tires is less than $2,500.


定义:  A person makes markings or symbols on property not belonging to him without permission of the owner of that property.

Example:  A teen uses a can of spray paint to “tag” the side of a building with graffiti.  The graffiti is NOT gang related.  The value of the property is under $2,500.

Harassing Phone Calls

定义:  Harassing Phone Call is communication that is designed to “harass, 骚扰, 报警, 滥用, 折磨, or embarrass” another person.  It includes conduct such as falsely reporting the death of the person’s loved one, threatening bodily injury, making obscene comments.

                Example:  Unwanted phone calls of an 骚扰ing, harassing or threatening nature.



Identity Theft

定义:  Obtaining someone else’s personal identifying information and using it to obtain credit, goods or services.

Example:  Someone obtains a credit card using your S.S.N. or obtains phone service using your personal information.


Lost Property

                定义:  An item that is misplaced or lost.

                Example:  Misplaced your wallet but know for a fact that it was not taken in a theft.

Reckless Damage

定义:  An offense, if without the effective consent of the owner, he recklessly damages or destroys property.

Example:  Your vehicle is parked in a parking center or parking lot and another vehicle pulls into the space next to your vehicle however misjudges the distances and strikes the vehicle causing damage.  This offense is used because it is in a parking center or parking lot, not on a city street.

Theft (Under $2,500)

                定义:  A person takes property belonging to another without the owner’s permission.

Example:  A student leaves their bicycle chained, or unchained, to a bicycle rack and goes inside.  A person walking by, stops and removes the bicycle from the rack and rides off on it.  The value of the property is less than $2,500.

Theft of Service (Under $2,500)

                定义:  A person obtains a service without rendering proper payment for that service.

Example:  A taxi cab driver picks up a customer and drives him to his destination.  Upon arrival the customer flees the cab without paying his fare.  带租赁, 租车, lawn services rendered, and skipping the check at a restaurant, are all examples.  The value of the theft of service is under $2,500.