SMU Statistical Consulting Center

The SMU Statistical Consulting Center assists scholars, businesses, and organizations by applying statistical expertise to a variety of data analytics projects. Through this service, experienced faculty members in the Department of Statistical Science and supervised Ph.D. and M.S. graduate students can provide help in all phases of your research or data related project, including:

  • Effective data collection strategies
  • Predictive analytics
  • Empirical model building
  • Database management and statistical computing
  • Forecasting
  • Data mining
  • Data visualization.

The Center has access to statistical science faculty who are nationally and internationally recognized experts. As appropriate, some data analytic work is accomplished by Ph.D. graduate students under the guidance of the Center. This helps us provide the right mix of technical expertise and experience to ensure that results swill move your project forward.

An initial consultation is free. This session helps us understand your priorities and identify where our work with you will add the most value. Fee for services depend on the scope and nature of the work. After this initial consultation, we will be able to provide you with a quote.

For more information about the SMU Statistical Consulting Center or to make an appointment, please call the Consulting Center Director, Charles South, at 214-768-3262, or email