New 教师 Books in Corporate Law and Securities Law

Professors Grant 海登 and Marc 斯坦伯格's newest releases


格兰特米. 海登 and Matthew T. 伯帝镇始建

Hit #1 New Release in Law on Amazon

现代企业造成了一系列当代问题, including income inequality, global warming, and the influence of money in politics. Their relentless pursuit of profits, 虽然, is the natural outcome of the doctrine of shareholder primacy. As the consensus around this doctrine crumbles, 越来越明显的是,公司治理的特权被不恰当地局限于股东. 是时候重新审视股东至上及其伴随而来的治理特征了, 并围绕公司的基本目的重新调整文献. 这本书 批判性地考察了公司治理法律的现状,并对长期以来关于股东专营权的争论提供了决定性的反驳. 重构公司提出了一种新的公司治理模式——一种建立在企业理论和一种新的民主参与理论基础上的公司治理模式——以支持公司特许经营权向员工的延伸.

Selected Editorial Reviews

“这本重要的书提出了一些令人欢迎和令人信服的论点,反对美国企业对股东财富最大化的不健康关注——这种关注引发了收入不平等, fueled global warming and distorted our democracy. 重组公司揭露了股东价值最大化背后的论点存在严重缺陷,并有力地说明了为什么工人应该选举代表进入公司董事会,并在他们工作的公司拥有更大的发言权." -- 史蒂芬·格林豪斯,《威尼斯人博彩》一书的作者

"Reconstructing the Corporation explores shared governance, the vision of the firm that we have been waiting for. It challenges the old model of shareholder essentialism, reforms the corporate board, and finally offers something for the workers." ——大卫·扎林,沃顿商学院教授,《威尼斯人博彩》一书作者

“重组公司是海登和博迪十多年来对股东至上和股东专营权现状的重要工作的高潮. The book is a must-read for those interested in exploring a new, 更具包容性的公司治理愿景,将赋予员工在企业未来更大的发言权." ——伊丽莎白·波尔曼,宾夕法尼亚大学法学院法学教授

格兰特·海登(Grant 海登)和马修·博迪(Matthew 伯帝镇始建)撰写了一篇权威而全面的文章,驳斥了企业应该主要为股东利益而经营的观点, instead of more democratically on behalf of all constituents. 对于想要理解股东至上理论的读者来说,这本书是一站式购物, and their flaws." ——Frank Partnoy,加州大学伯克利分校法学院法学教授

About the Author

格兰特米. 海登

格兰特米. 海登
Professor of Law

Professor 海登 writes and teaches in the areas of voting rights, 劳动法, and corporate governance. 他也是《威尼斯人博彩》(第三版)的作者(与劳伦斯·M. Friedman, 2017).

Rethinking Securities Law

马克我. 斯坦伯格

Hit #1 New Release in Banking Law and Securities Law on Amazon

今天在美国盛行的证券监管体系是通过零碎的联邦立法形成的, 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对其行政权力的调用, and self-regulatory episodic action. 因此,往往缺乏一致和合乎逻辑的监管. In both transactional and litigation settings, with frequency, 那些不稳定的、与健全的公共政策背道而驰的授权适用. 这本书 focuses on "rethinking" the securities laws, 特别强调《威尼斯人娱乐城》和《威尼斯人博彩》.

Selected Editorial Reviews

“马克·斯坦伯格教授是我们这一代杰出的证券法权威. For decades, he has written an impressive and thorough body of work. 《威尼斯人博彩》为这一记录增色不少,是一本必读的书,也是所有政策制定者的宝贵资源, practitioners and scholars
in the field." -- 爱德华·D. Herlihy, Partner, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & 卡茨

"For anyone who cares about strengthening capitalism, improving the efficiency of our capital markets, and protecting investors, 马克·斯坦伯格教授富有创造性和发人深省的著作《威尼斯人博彩》是一本必读的书!" -- 哈维L. Pitt, CEO, Kalorama Partners, LLC; Former Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission

"In Rethinking Securities Law, 马克•斯坦伯格(Marc 斯坦伯格)教授从当前的证券监管大杂烩中构想出了一套新的原则方案. 通过大力加强美国法律协会倡导的六项独立证券法规的基于规则的整合, 斯坦伯格制定了一个公平和卓越的生态系统,以维持我们资本市场的准入和交换." -- 拉尔夫·C. Ferrara, Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP; former General Counsel, Securities and Exchange Commission

"I applaud Professor 斯坦伯格 for this timely and momentous book. Securities litigation is in need of repair, 重新思考证券法可能会在我们需要的正确方向上提供震动." -- 保罗J. Geller, Founding Partner, Robbins Geller Rudman & 多德LLP)

马克·斯坦伯格教授的《威尼斯人博彩》为修改联邦证券法提供了及时的路线图. 这本书对补救目前存在的缺陷所应采取的行动作出了杰出而深刻的贡献." -- Joel Seligman, Dean Emeritus and Professor, Washington University School of Law; President Emeritus and University Professor, University of Rochester, 与路易斯·洛斯和特洛伊·帕雷德斯合著了《威尼斯人博彩》一书

About the Author

马克我. 斯坦伯格

马克我. 斯坦伯格
Rupert and Lillian Radford Chair in Law and Professor of Law

斯坦伯格教授是美国证券交易委员会执法部门和总法律顾问办公室的律师. Retained as an expert witness in several notable cases, including Enron, Martha Stewart and Mark Cuban, 他是这个国家最多产的证券法学者, having authored approximately 40 books and 150 law journal articles. He has lectured at many prestigious universities in the U.S. and abroad as well as at high-profile professional conferences.