Task Force for Faculty Salaries and Merit Benchmarking

教师工资和绩效基准工作组是一个由教师代表组成的委员会,其任务是分析教师工资,并根据数据驱动的评估提出调整建议. 总统执行委员会(PEC)使用了特别工作组的建议来调整教员的工资, including tenure-track (TT) and non-tenure-track (NTT) positions, to continue to keep SMU competitive within the market.  

以下是关于工作组的一系列常见问题, salary adjustments and central raise pool. 

Frequently asked questions


教师工资和绩效基准工作组是一个由教师代表组成的委员会,其任务是分析教师工资,并根据数据驱动的评估提出调整建议. 在过去的几个月里,工作组定期召开会议,并访问了校园内的各种主要利益相关者, including Faculty Senate and senior leadership.

Faculty representatives on the task force submitted findings to the Office of the Provost for consideration, and those findings were presented to the President’s Executive Council (PEC). The PEC has approved a newly established, 为所有非终身教职(NTT)教师提供中央资助的加薪池以及基于市场的工资调整.

All full-time faculty who hold tenure-line, tenured, and non-tenure line positions were included in the study, with the exception of research faculty and visiting faculty. Research faculty are funded through non-central sources, and visiting faculty are on short-term contracts.

Market Benchmark Salary Adjustments

Comparison data is sourced from the CUPA-HR database它根据终身制和服务年限将教员划分为独特的类别. These classifications are then benchmarked against discipline-level CIP codes. 为了获得足够的可比数据,比较数据取自R1和R2公立和私立大学. This represents, of a total of 800 institutions, a sub-set of 275 institutions, which accounted for 59,318 tenured/tenure track (TT) and 27,239 non-tenure track (NTT) salaries for comparisons.

非终身教职教师根据工作年限(0-3年)分为四类, 4-6 years, 7-14 years, and 15+ years), while tenure-track faculty are classified as assistant, associate, and full professors. Both groups of faculty are also cross-classified by discipline-level CIP codes.

Going forward, 职位的目标薪酬将至少为市场中位数的95%,基于a)学科和b)以上四个类别的服务年限(对于NTT教员)或级别(对于TT教员).

  • 根据数据,78%的NTT教师和93%的NTT教师的基准达到或高于中位数的95%.
  • NTT线路中22%的个人将通过中央拨款增加工资.
  • 7%的终身教职人员将接受院长和系主任的审查,以确定是否有可能加薪.

Adjustments will be made during the regular merit cycle. 收到调整的教师将在绩效决定结束时收到年薪信时被通知金额. These letters will be issued by each school or college.

No, a ceiling on faculty salaries will not be imposed, 对于调整超过确定阈值的工资差异,也没有提出建议.

院长们收到了各自学院的所有基准工资报告. 每个教员的工资都以全国中位数为基准,根据学科和服务年限(或级别)确定高于或低于中位数的百分比, for TT faculty). 由于新加坡管理大学是一所私立大学,薪资数据不会公开.

Central Raise Pool

Yes. 中央筹款池将为NTT教师的两个晋升步骤提供3美元的资金,000 and $6,000, respectively. 当教师使用已发布和批准的NTT晋升指南进行晋升时,可以使用此池. This raise pool will be available for all future promotion cycles. 为终身教职(TT)教师提供的单独中央加薪池将继续存在.

Yes, these centrally-funded raises will be made at the same time as centrally-funded raises are made for TT faculty this cycle; the new salaries go into effect beginning with the academic year 2024-25.

前几年的晋升加薪是在每个学校/学院内部进行的,不会进行第二次中央调整. Salary adjustments can still be made through the annual merit pool.

Yes, 根据向学校/学院提供的关于NTT推广指南的反馈, all faculty positions, including lecturer and senior lecturer, will have two promotion steps. Faculty Senate 在2024年春季学期与学校/学院合作以确认这些变化吗, and the policy will be revised accordingly.

这两项研究调查了新加坡管理大学不同的员工群体,并使用不同的基准数据集来比较薪资. 这项教师薪酬研究调查了新大的终身职位和非终身职位. It compared data from the CUPA-HR database该机构根据终身职位和工作经验来组织教师.

同时,员工薪酬研究集中在大多数员工职位上. It used a combination of CUPA-HR data as well as available data from SMU's peer and aspirant institutions and employers in the DFW region. Both studies relied on the national median for salary comparisons, and neither factored in a cost-of-living adjustment

教职员工的薪酬目标中位数是由市场数据和每个员工群体的具体特征决定的, including qualifications, expertise, and experience. 市场上对教职员工职位的需求各不相同,因此可能导致薪酬按中位数的不同百分比计算. Staff positions can be found across different industries, outside of higher education, 而教师的角色往往更专业化,更少被广泛使用. Additionally, 与教职员工职位相关的责任和期望可能会有很大差异. For example, tenure-track faculty members typically have teaching, research, 和学术服务职责不同于教职员的行政角色.

您可以将有关研究和结果的问题或评论发送到 facultysuccess@julihui168.com.