Maps & Directions

点击下面的链接下载全尺寸、可打印的PDF地图. 你也可以得到从达拉斯到陶斯或阿尔伯克基到陶斯的行车路线, or a list of Taos-area restaurants.

More information about Taos

For more information about the Taos area, visit the Taos Chamber and Visitors Center.

Driving directions from Albuquerque to Taos

Drive time is approximately 2 hours.

从阿尔伯克基国际机场(Albuquerque International Airport)出发,沿Sunport Boulevard向西行驶至I-25. Take I-25 North toward Santa Fe. 这段车程将带你穿过许多印第安人保留地. In fact, before you get out of Albuquerque, 你可以乘坐电车出口前往美丽的桑迪亚度假村 & Casino, owned and operated by the Sandia Pueblo. 这个出口还将带您前往桑迪亚山顶滑雪场的世界上最长的有轨电车 & Tramway. After leaving Albuquerque, you will notice a slow, upward grade; this is La Bajada Hill, a 1,000-foot climb to the top of Caja del Rio Plateau. 在进入圣达菲之前,走599号公路,即“圣达菲救援路线”.” This bypasses Santa Fe and then intersects US 84/285. Take US 84/285 toward Espanola and Taos. Proceed with either of the following routes:

  • Most Direct Route (the “River Road”): 穿过骆驼岩(注意左边的岩层)和Pojoaque向Espanola方向行进. Just south of Espanola, veer right onto NM 68 North. Travel toward Taos through Vilarde, Embudo, and Pilar (site of the Battle of Cienguilla, in which Cantonment Burgwin soldiers participated). 在这段路上有几个地方,你可以很容易地看到与高速公路平行的旧公共马车路, on the other side of the Rio Grande River.

    • To get to the SMU-in-Taos campus: Just south of Taos, NM 518 intersects NM 68 to the right. 在518号公路右转,驱车6英里,穿过塔尔帕,进入卡森国家森林,到达SMU-in-Taos校区. 校园的入口在右边,两侧是土坯墙.

    • To go into Taos: 继续走68号公路,经过518号路口,进入陶斯. 在陶斯,m68成为普韦布洛南路(普韦布洛南路).

  • Most Scenic Route (the “High Road”): 刚过Pojoaque, 84/285号国道与503号国道相交,路标上指示为Nambe出口. 右转,在503号公路上行驶,经过Nambe,到98号公路交叉口. Take NM 98 left to Chimayo. (著名的朝圣地奇马约圣所将在右边. The Chimayo Valley is known for its rug-weaving traditions; for excellent examples, look for Trujillo’s, Centinela, and Ortega’s.)在76号国道的十字路口,向右转向Cordova(这里有很棒的木工)和Truchas. In Truchas, 在指向Ojo Sarco/Chamisal的标志处左转,这样你就可以继续在m76上行驶(这是一个很容易错过的十字路口), so look for a large, 在你左转的十字路口的东北角,一座土坯建筑上的彩色壁画。. Continue through the villages of Las Trampas and Chamisal. (拉斯特朗帕斯教堂建于1760年,紧随1751年小镇的定居. 这个地区的人口稠密是为了防止阿帕奇人袭击奇马约山谷. 这座教堂是新墨西哥州早期教堂建筑的典范.)刚刚经过Chamisal,右转进入nm75,并继续通过Penasco和Vadito. 在与NM 518的交叉口,在岩壁处左转,继续向Taos方向前进.S. Hill).

    • To get to the SMU-in-Taos campus: Proceed up NM 518 approximately 12 miles; the entrance to the campus is on the left (at the bottom of U.S. Hill) and flanked by adobe walls. Use the second entrance to the campus.

    • To go into Taos: 继续走NM 518,经过SMU-in-Taos校区的入口. 再往前6英里(在Ranchos de Taos), 518号国道与68号国道相交. Turn right on NM 68, 它变成了普韦布洛南路(Paseo del Pueblo Sur),直接带你到陶斯.


  • The Taos Visitors Center is 2 miles on the right
  • The Bean South (Taos’ version of Starbucks) is 2.5 miles on the right
  • The Taos Plaza is 4.5 miles on the left
  • The Fechin Inn (800-811-2933 or 505 751-1000) is 5 miles on the right

Driving Directions from Dallas to Taos

Drive time is approximately 11 hours.

Take I-635 toward DFW International Airport. 就在机场入口的北面,I-635号公路结束并与121号高速公路汇合. Immediately exit right onto Highway 114. 待在114号公路上,经过德州高速公路,行驶约28英里,直到与81/287号国道相交. Take the US 287 North exit toward Decatur/Wichita Falls. Continue on US 287 through Wichita Falls toward Amarillo. 就在阿马里洛以东,287号国道结束并与I-40相交. 沿着I-40向西穿过阿马里洛进入新墨西哥州(不要错过卡迪拉克牧场,就在阿马里洛以西). Proceed with either of the following routes:

  • Most Direct Route: 继续沿I-40公路行驶,穿过图库姆卡里和圣罗莎,到达84号公路. 圣罗莎的佩科斯河铁路桥因电影《威尼斯人博彩》而永垂不朽. Santa Rosa is also home to the fabulous Blue Hole, 无底洞穴湖,用于水肺潜水和其他水上娱乐活动. I-40在这里是旧的66号公路,继续向西穿过阿尔伯克基进入亚利桑那州. 在圣罗莎以西几英里处,沿着84号高速公路向北行驶到新墨西哥州的拉斯维加斯. 当你向北穿过安东奇科进入拉斯维加斯时,你将穿越六千五百多万年前的白垩纪沉积物. 在m65出口,经过商业街和格兰德街,然后在第七街右转(向北).
  • Most Scenic Route: 在图库姆卡里(Tucumcari),从40号州际公路(I-40)驶上104号高速公路(Highway 104),向北前往新墨西哥州的拉斯维加斯. (注:图库姆卡里和拉斯维加斯之间的这条路线上没有加油站.图坎卡里的西北部是孔查斯湖州立公园, a recreation area surrounded by acres of grasslands. As you travel north toward Las Vegas, 开阔的草原可以让你看到圣达菲周围的山脉,并向北延伸到陶斯. As you approach Las Vegas, NM 104 becomes NM 65. 沿着nm65行驶,经过I-25,商业街和格兰德街,然后向右(北)转到第七街.

在拉斯维加斯市区之外,第七街变成了NM 518. Take NM 518 North toward Mora. 继续在NM 518穿过莫拉和安戈斯图拉(仍然以农业为基础的古老定居点), and then on through Tres Ritos and Sipapu (more modern, visitor-oriented locales). SMU-in-Taos校区的入口将在Sipapu左侧14英里处, flanked by adobe walls.

Continuing into Taos

要到达陶斯,继续在518号公路上行驶,直到与68号公路相交. Turn right on NM 68, 它变成了普韦布洛南路(Paseo del Pueblo Sur),直接带你到陶斯.

  • The Taos Visitors Center is 2 miles on the right
  • The Bean South (Taos’ version of Starbucks) is 2.5 miles on the right
  • The Taos Plaza is 4.5 miles on the left
  • The Fechin Inn (800-811-2933 or 505 751-1000) is 5 miles on the right