
SMU has the facilities that you need for an exceptional conference.

We have multimedia equipped classrooms and meeting spaces ranging from those small conference rooms for your break-out sessions to large lecture halls for when everyone needs to hear the keynote speaker. Of course, all of that intensive learning and collaborating builds an appetite. Options for eating on campus are flexible to meet your needs. Whether your conference merits a catered gourmet meal in one of our grand ballrooms, 喜欢我们的餐饮中心种类繁多, or simply needs a food-court atmosphere for a quick working meal, 我们会让你决定如何恢复能量.

Check out the exciting venues SMU 会议服务 has to offer.

 对于那些在这里度过暑假的人, fully experience the unique atmosphere of a university campus in our 舒适的宿舍房间 休息和放松. 在SMU, our residential facilities feature a variety of room types and shared bathroom styles along with these common features: Common areas for study and social activities, 通过以太网和无线连接的计算机连接, 24小时外部门禁系统, 空调, 带洗衣机的洗衣房 & 烘干机, 大楼里有微波炉,房间里都配有床, 梳妆台, 桌和桌椅, 和铺地毯的房间.

 休斯-特里格学生中心, the focal point for student activities at Southern Methodist University, was conceived through a $10 million donation from Charles and Catharine Hughes-Trigg. The Triggs met and fell in love more than 65 years ago precisely where the Center stands today. 112年,000平方英尺中心, 1987年10月开业的, features a variety of services and a range of resources to meet the daily needs of conference participants. The main level of the Center is highlighted by a two-story glass ceiling atrium. 这座三层的建筑有一个500个座位的剧院, 多功能舞厅, 一个有100个座位的分层教室式论坛, 还有十个会议室. 另外, 客人可以欣赏波洛克美术馆, 无线网络遍布整个大楼, 休闲休息室和几个零售业务. Postal services, an ATM machine, and a barber shop are only a few of the conveniences offered. Hungry visitors may choose from one of the many dining options operated by SMU Dining Services, 交通便利,位于中心内.

However, please remember what they say about “all work and no play.” To that end, we invite you to enjoy the multitude of activities available at Dedman 终身体育中心 is the perfect space for the more active and athletically inclined, special conference rates enable your group to take advantage of our state-of-the-art recreational center with a full resistance training and cardio area, 室内篮球, 足球, 还有壁球场, 室内游泳池, 室外日光池, 室外沙排球场, and even a rock-climbing wall for the adventurer in all of us. 如果你更喜欢团队运动的话, 也许是我们的户外足球, 足球, or intramural fields will quench your thirst for competition. 

For those looking for some mental massaging, we would suggest to be sure to see the 梅多斯博物馆, home to one of the largest collections of Spanish art outside of Spain. 从10世纪到21世纪的作品, the internationally renowned collection presents a broad spectrum of art covering a thousand years of Spanish heritage.The museum is also always a hotspot for various touring exhibits. 过去的展览包括巴黎世家(Balenciaga)服装系列, 来自托斯卡纳的伊特鲁里亚珍宝, and lost manuscripts from the Sistine Chapel to name just a few. 有一个积极的旅游计划, 教育宣传, weekend family days and a summer art program for young people, the 梅多斯博物馆 plays an important role as an educational and cultural center in North Texas. 

 我们的校园也是 乔治•布什(George W. 布什总统中心. 位于校园东侧,占地23英亩, the Bush Center houses the Presidential Library and Museum and the 乔治•布什(George W. 布什研究所.小乔治. 布什总统图书馆和博物馆是13th such resource in the nation operated by the National Archives and Records Administration, 联邦机构. 小乔治. 布什研究所, an independent public policy organization, reports to the Bush Foundation. 这三个都占据了226号,565-square-foot-building surrounded by grounds featuring Texas prairie landscaping.乔治·W·布什总统的档案和文物. Bush Administration include 80 terabytes of digital information, 超过2亿封电子邮件,超过43封,000件文物.

 玛莎·普罗科特·麦克大舞厅 is a 5,400 square foot ballroom renovated for the Umphrey Lee Center. The Grand Ballroom is a premium space for large presentations, dinners, lectures and gatherings. 1955年开业, the Mack Grand Ballroom was renovated in 2010 and features contemporary seating, updated heating and air conditioning and state-of-the-art audio/visual systems. New energy-efficient windows allow natural light to spill in during the daytime, while evening light is provided in part by silver chandeliers that can be raised and lowered from the coffered ceiling. Detailed Georgian architectural crown molding and brackets finish the room

 欧文艺术中心 是由建筑师乔治. Dahl and consists of three main buildings: Mudge Art Building, Forbes Music Building and the Ruth Sharp Collins Drama Building. 这个中心是舞蹈的故乡, 音乐及戏剧表演及排练场地, 艺术画廊和工作室,The inspiring and challenging environment creates a nexus of energy, 创造力和承诺.The center's unique architecture makes it an ideal space for receptions, 晚宴和讲座, 欧文艺术中心 makes a great addition to conference facilities during the summer months when classes are not in session.

 中央大学图书馆. With more than three million volumes and the largest private law library in the Southwest, 还有许多特别的收藏品, losing yourself in SMU's library system is one of the best guilty pleasures the Hilltop has to offer. The Bridwell Theology Library galleries regularly feature exhibitions of rare materials from their own collection and collections throughout the world. 中央大学图书馆包括Fondren图书馆中心, DeGolyer特别收藏, 和哈蒙艺术图书馆.The SMU libraries also provide quiet, comfortable study areas and wireless access. 

 你在新大的会议选择几乎是无限的, 可能性是令人兴奋的, 我们就在这里等你!