艾丽莎J. 温克勒

兼职教师 研究 Professor






Ph.D., Southern Methodist University
  • Mammalian Paleontology
  • 人体解剖学
  • Functional Anatomy of Small Mammals


Alisa 温克勒's research interests focus on the systematics, 古生物地理学, and paleoecology of fossil mammals, in particular rodents and rabbits. Study is concentrated on the Neogene (especially the Early Miocene-Early Pliocene) of East Africa and southeast Asia.

研究 in East Africa is primarily in conjunction with multidisciplinary teams studying major faunal accumulations, with an emphasis on recovering hominoid fossils and deciphering the ecological context in which hominoids lived and evolved. Study of the small mammals from these sites adds information on the associated faunal community. Paleoecological inferences from the small mammals aid in the reconstruction of Neogene climates, and the role climate change played in the evolution of hominids and other taxa. Comparisons of East African small mammals with taxa from other parts of Africa and Eurasia support conclusions drawn from the large mammal fauna that intra- and intercontinental dispersal was a major factor affecting community change during the Neogene.

Alisa's current projects include the study of middle Miocene rodents from Maboko Island (with B. Benefit, New Mexico State Univ.) and Bukwa (with E. Miller, Wake Forest Univ.),肯尼亚. She also continues study of rodents from Kanapoi, northern Kenya (4 Ma; with F. Manthi, National Museums of Kenya), early Miocene sites in 乌干达 and Kenya (with S. Cote, University of Calgary and L. MacLatchy, University of Michigan), and Tugen Hills sites in central Kenya (15-4 Ma). Work also progresses with the exceptional collection of the hare, Serengetilagus, from Laetoli, 坦桑尼亚 (4-3 Ma; with Y. 富田和T. 哈里森).

Alisa continues to teach 人体解剖学 to Medical and Health Professions Students as an Associate Professor with the Department of Cell Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Selected Publications in Vertebrate Paleontology

温克勒,. J. 2023. Late Miocene and early Pliocene rodents from the Tugen Hills, western Kenya. Pp. 306-331, in (Y.-N. 李,艾德.). Windows into Sauropsid and Synapsid Evolution. Essays in honor of Prof. 路易斯·L. 雅可布. Dinosaur Science Center Press.

MacLatchy L. M., S. M. 象牙海岸,. L. Deino R. M. Kityo,. A. T. 穆古梅J. B. Rossie W. J. 桑德斯,M. N. Cosman,年代. G. Driese D. L. 狐狸,. J. 弗里曼,R. J. W. Jansma K. E. H. 詹金斯,R. N. Kinyanjui W. E. luken K. P. 麦克纳尔蒂,. 由D. J. Peppe C. A. E. Stromberg K. T. Uno,. J. 温克勒和J. D. 金斯敦. 2023. The evolution of hominoid locomotor versatility: Evidence from Moroto, a 21 Ma site in 乌干达. Science 380 eabq2835.

Kraatz B., R. Belabbas L. A. Fostowicz-Frelik, D. 通用电气,. N. “库兹涅佐夫”,米. M. 朗,年代. Lopez-Torres Z. 穆罕默迪,R. A. 拉西科特表示,他非常米. J. Ravosa,. C. 夏普,E. 中,M. T. Silcox J. Stowiak,. J. 温克勒和我. 革命联合阵线. 2021. Lagomorpha as a model morphological system. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Vol. 9: 1-26. 

温克勒,D. A和A. J. 温克勒. 2020. New records of Late Pleistocene ungulates (Bootherium and Tapirus) from north central Texas. Paludicola 12(4):321-332.

Manthi F. K和A. J. 温克勒. 2019. Rodents and other terrestrial small mammals from Kanapoi, north-western Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution. 

象牙海岸的., J. 金斯顿,. Deino,. 温克勒,R. Kityo和L. MacLatchy. 2018. Evidence for rapid faunal change in the early Miocene of East Africa based on revised biostratigraphic and radiometric dating of Bukwa, 乌干达. Journal of Human Evolution 116:95-107.

温克勒,., D. 温克勒和T. 哈里森. 2016. Forelimb anatomy of the leporid Serengetilagus from Laetoli, 坦桑尼亚: functional and taxonomic implications. Historical Biology 28(1-2):252-263.

Gunnell G., A. 温克勒,E. 米勒,J. 头,一个. El-Barkooky, M. Gawad W. 桑德斯和P. 金格里奇. 2016. Small vertebrates from Khasm El-Raqaba, late Miocene, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Historical Biology 28(1-2):159-171.

丹尼斯,C.,和A. 温克勒. 2015. Cpt. 7. Advances in integrative taxonomy and evolution of African murid rodents: how morphological trees hide the molecular forest. Pp. 第186-220页. 考克斯和L. Hautier, eds.). Evolution of the Rodents: Advances in Phylogeny, Functional Morphology, and Development. Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge University Press.

弗林,我. J., A. J. 温克勒,M. Erbaeva N. Alexeeva U. 安德斯,C. Angelone,年代. Cermak F. A. Fladerer B. Kraatz L. 达,我. 革命联合阵线,Y. Tomida K. Veitschegger Z. 张. 2013. The leporid datum: a late Miocene biotic marker. Mammal Review DOI: 10.1111 /老妈.12016:1-13.

温克勒,. J., L. J. 弗林和Y. Tomida. 2011. Fossil lagomorphs from the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 14, Issue 3; 38A:1-16.

温克勒,. J.,和Y. Tomida. 2011. 第三章. The lower third premolar of Serengetilagus praecapensis (Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Leporidae) from Laetoli, 坦桑尼亚. 在(T. 哈里森,艾德.). Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli, 坦桑尼亚: Human Evolution in Context. Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series, Springer Press.

温克勒,. J. 2011. 第四章. Macroscelidea. 在(T. 哈里森,艾德.). Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli, 坦桑尼亚: Human Evolution in Context. Volume 2: Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series, Springer Press.
