
埃德蒙·J. 路易丝·W. 卡恩历史椅


k和rien [@] julihui168.com






  • 三一学院,1969-1973. B.A. with honors 在历史上 和 general scholarship

  • 杜克大学,1973-1975年. M.A. 在历史上. Thesis:  "The Tribute System in Colonial 秘鲁, 1540-1680"

  • 杜克大学,1975-1977.  Ph.D. 在历史上 Dissertation:  "The Royal Treasury 和 Society in Seventeenth-Century Lima"       


Professor Andrien specializes in Colonial Latin American history, focusing specifically on the Andean region from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Most recently his focus has broadened to place the history of colonial Latin America within the context of the early modern Atlantic World.  他写过 Crisis 和 Decline: The Viceroyalty of 秘鲁 in the Seventeenth Century (1985) (with a Spanish translation published in 秘鲁 in 2011), The Kingdom of Quito, 1690-1830: The State 和 Regional Development (1996), Andean Worlds: Indigenous History, Culture, 和 Consciousness Under Spanish Rule, 1532-1825 (2001), 和 his most recent book (co-authored with Allan J. Kuethe) The Spanish Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century: War 和 the Bourbon Reforms, 1713-1796 (2014). 

He has co-edited (with Rolena Adorno) Transatlantic Encounters: Europeans 和 Andeans in the Sixteenth Century (1991)和(与莱曼·L. 约翰逊) The Political Economy of Spanish America in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1850 (1994). 他也是…的编辑 The Human Tradition in Colonial Latin America (2002, 2013). In addition, he has published numerous articles in journals such as Past 和 Present, Hispanic American Historical Review, Colonial Latin American Review, 和 拉丁美洲研究杂志.  他目前正在写作。 The Spanish Atlantic World, 1492-1825, which is an interpretive synthesis of the Spanish Atlantic world from the voyages of Christopher Columbus through the independence era. The book is under contract with Oxford University Press.



Crown 和 Clergy in Bourbon 秘鲁:  Regalism 和 Reform of the Catholic Church, 1708-1808. This is a book project based on archival research in Spain, 秘鲁, 和 Italy that examines the influence of the Enlightenment 和 the emerging conflicts between Church 和 State in the Spanish Atlantic Empire, focusing on the Viceroyalty of 秘鲁 from the eighteenth century, until the onset of the independence movements by 1808.  


Andrien,肯尼斯. “Economies American:  Spanish Territories,” in Joseph C. Miller等人; 普林斯顿大学 大西洋的历史, Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2014, 170-175.

Andrien,肯尼斯. 《威尼斯人娱乐城》,c. 1500-1650,” in Philippa Levine 和 John Marriott eds., 的Ashgate 研究 Companion to Modern Imperial Histories, Aldershot:  Ashgate Publishing, 2012, 15-39

 Andrien,肯尼斯. “波旁改革.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Latin American Studies. Ed. 本·文森. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Andrien,肯尼斯. “The Politics of Reform in Spain’s Atlantic Empire During the Late-Bourbon Period:  the Visita of José García de Leon y Pizarro in Quito,” 拉丁美洲研究杂志, 41:4(2009年11月):637-662.  Spanish Translation: “La Visita de José García de León y Pizarro a Quito: Políticas de reforma en el Imperio atlántico de España durante el período borbónico tardío,” Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Historia,LXXXIX: 184 (Marzo de 2011): 97-127.

Andrien,肯尼斯. “The Invention of Colonial Andean Worlds,” 拉丁美洲研究评论 46:1(2011年4月):217-224.

Andrien,肯尼斯.  “波旁改革, 独立, 克丘亚语和艾马拉语的传播,保罗·海格蒂和艾德里安·皮尔斯的观点, eds., 安第斯山脉的历史和语言.  Cambridge: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2011, 113-130.

Andrien,肯尼斯. “The Coming of Enlightened Reform in Bourbon 秘鲁:  Secularization of the Doctrinas德 殖民地土著, 1746-1773,” in Gabriel Paquette, ed., Enlightened Reform in Southern Europe 和 its Atlantic Colonies, c. 1750-1830.   Aldershot:  Ashgate Publishing, 2009, 183-202.

Andrien,肯尼斯. "Legal 和 Administrative Texts," in Joanne Pillsbury, et al, Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Studies, 1530-1900.  Norman:  University of Oklahoma Press, 2008, 107-119.

Andrien,肯尼斯. “The Virtual 和 the Real:  The Case of the Mysterious Documents from Naples” 历史的指南针, 6/5(2008年9月):1304-1324.

Andrien,肯尼斯. “The Spanish Atlantic System,” in Jack Greene 和 Philip Morgan, eds., Atlantic History:  A Critical Appraisal.  Oxford 和 New York:  Oxford University Press, 2008, 55-80.


  • E. 马尔科姆·卡罗尔奖学金,1973- 1975年
  • Family 和 Community History 程序 Fellowship, Newberry Library, 1975
  • Tinker Foundation Fellowship, 1975-76
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Grant, 1976-77
  • Shell Foundation Fellowship, 1977-78, declined
  • Fulbright-Hays 研究 Fellowship, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, 1979
  • University 研究 Grant, The Ohio State University, 1983
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1985-86, declined
  • Fulbright-Hays 研究 Grant, Department of Education, 1985-86
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1991-92
  • Faculty Professional Leave, The Ohio State University, 1995-96
  • Arts 和 Humanities Seed Grant, The Ohio State University, 2003-2004
  • 罗伯特·H. Bremner Fellow, Department of History, 2006-2009
  • Faculty Professional Leave, The Ohio State University, 2010
Portrait of Professor 肯尼斯·Andrien