
研究生 C和idate in Systematic Theology



Daniel grew up in the timbered hills above Tanyard Creek in Arkansas. He belongs to his bewitching Junior High crush, 和 they are in the possession of two 男孩. He is a doctoral c和idate in Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University 和 a graduate fellow of the Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, 文学, 与宗教思想. His dissertation has to do with the theology of beauty in relation with the metaphysics of the person in Sergii Bulgakov (1871-1944), all with a wider view to how human creativity was theologically understood within 19th-20th century Russian religious-philosophical-literary thought. 

论文顾问: Dr. D. 史蒂夫长

论文标题: “当 你 考虑到 光辉的: Sergii布尔加科夫, Beauty, Persons"


"'Le style c'est l'homme': Vladimir Nabokov, Sergii布尔加科夫, & 艺术家的功绩," Northwestern University Studies in Russian Philosophy, 文学, 与宗教思想 1. 即将到来的.


书评. Sergii布尔加科夫, 名称的哲学. Translated by Thomas Allan Smith. Ithaca: Northern Illinois University, 2022. 阅读宗教 (1月. 2024). http://readingreligion.org/9781501765650/


"'The Human Thirst to See Heavenly Azure': Sergii布尔加科夫, 'Holy 既往症”, 和美丽." In Moral Conversion in Scripture, Self, 和 Society. Edited by Krijn Pansters 和 Anton ten Klooster. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024: 225-237.


"Desirous Seeing: Sol LeWitt, Vision, 和 Paradox." In Art, Desire, 和 God: Phenomenological Perspectives. Edited by Kevin Grove, Christopher Rios, 和 Taylor Nutter. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023: 59-70.




"'Silence under the scourge': Origen of Alex和ria’s Sophianic Vision," Oxford Patristics Conference(XIX International Conference), Oxford, UK (forthcoming August 5-9, 2024).


"'Am I myself returning to some starting point?' Literary 和 Theological Reflections on Time 和 Memory," The American Society of Church History (Annual Conference), San Francisco, California (1月uary 4-7, 2024)

"'To focus the eye of the soul on the divine light': Maximus the Confessor 和 Transfigured Vision," Patristic, Medieval 和 Renaissance Conference(48th Annual Conference), Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania (October 27-29, 2023), *paper accepted, but forced to withdraw*

“艺术家的 : Vladimir Nabokov 和 Sergii Bulgakov," Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy 与宗教思想 (就职会议), Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (April 21-23, 2023).

"In 搜索 of a Hyaline Soul: Speculations on the Metaphysics of the Person," International Orthodox Theological Association (Second International Conference). Respondent: Eugene Vodolazkin, 希腊沃罗斯(1月11日-15, 2023).


"Holiness at Work: Theological Reflections on the 'Morally Serious' Reading of Fiction," The Society of Christian Ethics (年会).

答辩人:泰德·史密斯, 伊利诺伊州芝加哥(1月5 - 8, 2023), *缺席*


"Sergii Bulgakov 和 Eugene Vodolazkin on the Precarity of the (Re)Creation of the Self,"Association for Slavic, East European, 和 Eurasian Studies (54th Annual Convention), Respondent: Peter Winsky, 伊利诺伊州芝加哥(11月10日, 2022).


"'The Human Thirst to See Heavenly Azure': Sergii布尔加科夫, 'Holy 既往症”, 和 美。”Agents of Change: Moral Conversion 和 Social Transformation, 蒂尔堡大学, 蒂尔堡, Netherl和s (June 29-July 1, 2022).


"Christian Humanism: Spiritual Labor, Creative Audacity," God 和 the Human Person (The 23rd Annual 波士顿学院 研究生 Philosophy Conference), 波士顿学院, 牛顿, Massachusetts (March 25-26, 2022).


"Desirous Seeing: Sol LeWitt, Vision, 和 Paradox,"Art, Desire, 和 God: Phenomenological Perspectives, Respondent: Janet Soskice, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana (October 2-3, 2020).


"Russian Holy Foolery as a Form of Response to Theodicy,"Evangelical Theological Society, Southwest Region, Dallas, Texas (March 20-21, 2020).


"'Memory is its own vision': St. 希波的奥古斯丁.G. Sebald, 和 Traumatic Somatic Memory," American Academy of Religion, Southwest Region, Irving, Texas (February 28-March 1, 2020).


Fellowships, Awards, 和 Service to the Profession:


2023届毕业生 Seminar Fellow, Lumen Christi Institute, “Truth 和 Authority in Augustine's 上帝之城,” University of California, Berkeley.


2022-现在  毕业的家伙, Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, 文学, 与宗教思想.


2022 Archival Research, Slavonic Library, National Library of the Czech Republic.


2022 Fellow, Russian Area of the Department of World Languages 和 文学s Fellowship, SMU (通过Russian AV Mamantov School): Prague, Czech Republic.


2021-2023 Colloquy Chair, SMU 研究生 Program of Religious Studies Student Organization