
美国退伍军人事务部(VA)为符合条件的服务成员提供教育福利, 退伍军人, 以及他们的家属或幸存者. You can learn more about VA's educational benefits below and by visiting VA.政府的 教育的好处 页面.



该计划为至少服役两年的退伍军人和现役军人提供长达36个月的教育福利. VA has specific categories that a servicemember must fall under to qualify. 类别可以在VA上查看 网站. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty.


根据您正在攻读的教育或培训类型以及您的注册状态,每月的费率. You may receive less than the full amount each month if you are enrolled less than full-time, 你正在接受在职培训, 你在参加一个学徒计划, 或者连续服现役不足3年.

每月的津贴直接从VA寄给你. Payments are received on the first of the month for your enrollment in the prior month. Some stipends are prorated based on terms starting or ending part way through the month. You are responsible for your tuition and fees payment regardless of when VA sends your payment.

注意: If you have a kicker (sometimes called “college fund”) or take part in the $600 Buy-Up program, you may get more money each month than the full-time enrollment rate. VA会在你的月供中增加这笔金额.



You must verify your enrollment each month either online through 网上注册自动验证(WAVE) 或拨打VA免费电话1-877-823-2378.


退伍军人准备和就业(VR)&E)项目是为服役人员和退伍军人提供的,他们有与服务有关的残疾,限制或阻止他们工作. 退伍军人 must have a disability rating of at least 10% and were not dishonorably discharged. 现役军人必须有20%或更高的退役前残疾评级(备忘录评级),并且将很快离开军队或由于在现役期间发生的严重疾病或受伤而等待退役. Severely injured active duty service members can automatically receive VR&在退伍军人事务部发布残疾评级之前领取E福利.

申请VR后&E, 退伍军人事务部将为您和职业康复顾问(VRC)安排一次会议,以确定您的服务相关残疾是否限制了您的准备能力, 获得, and maintain suitable employment (a job that doesn’t make your disability worse, 是稳定的, 和你的能力相匹配, 资质, 和兴趣). 在退伍军人事务部做出权利决定之后, you and your counselor will work together to develop a rehabilitation plan. This plan outlines the rehabilitation and other services that VR&E将提供.

关于VR的其他信息&E,包括如何VR&E entitlement impacts other education benefits, can be found on VA's 网站.


Payment and coverage for this benefit is determined by each individual's VRC. Typical coverage includes tuition, mandatory fees, and in some cases books and supplies. 这些款项直接寄给学校. 你也可能有资格获得根据你的注册状态(全日制)直接发给你的生活津贴, 兼职).

If you are eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits and are participating in VR&E, you may elect to receive the GI Bill® monthly housing rate instead of the VR&E生活津贴,如果你在9/11后的美国退伍军人法案®下至少还有一天的权利,并且你在美国退伍军人法案®的资格期限内. 在大多数情况下,GI Bill®费率会更高. 您需要与您的VRC一起正式选择此选项.



You may be eligible if you served at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. Service members must serve at least 36 months on active duty to receive 100% of this benefit. 服役时间在90天至35个月之间的人将根据服役时间获得一定比例的福利. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®.

访问退伍军人事务部的教育 网站 获取有关9/11后GI法案®的最新信息,包括有关永久GI法案®的信息. 《威尼斯人博彩》和《威尼斯人娱乐城》,以及它们如何影响你的福利.


根据后9/11退伍军人法案®的可转移性选项,服务人员可以将全部或部分未使用的福利转移给配偶或家属. 将未使用的GI法案®福利转移到符合条件的家属的请求必须在作为武装部队的积极成员期间完成 milConnect. The Department of Defense (DoD) determines whether you can transfer benefits to your family. 一旦国防部批准转移福利, 新的受益人通过VA申请使用福利. 要了解更多信息,请访问VA 网站.


VA pays the school tuition and mandatory fees up to VA's private school tuition cap. The private school tuition cap is set per academic year and is not split between semesters. 一旦达到上限,VA将不会向学校支付任何额外的学费和费用, 除非你有资格参加黄丝带计划. 任何结余, 非强制性费用, and tuition for courses that do not meet degree requirements are your responsibility.

  • 强制性费用包括, 但不限于普通学生费用, 取向的费用, 入学考试费, 健康中心费用, 距离费, 还有实验室/课程费用.

如果您的资格百分比低于100%, the private school tuition cap will be prorated at your percentage level.

资格百分比 2024-2025年学费上限
100%  $28,937.09
90% $26,043.38 
80%  $23,149.67 
70%  $20,255.96 
60%  $17,362.25 
50%  $14,468.54 

达到100%资格水平的学生可能有资格获得 黄丝带计划.


每月住房津贴(MHA)根据注册状态(全职或兼职)和方式(亲自或在线)直接发送给您. 你必须注册超过一半的时间才能获得津贴. 全日制费率是基于每月的军事住房基本津贴费率的E-5与学校的邮政编码的家属. 如果你注册了所有的在线课程, the full-time rate is equal to half the national average for MHA. Enrollment in at least one in-person course may qualify you for the higher residence rate. Active-duty service-members and their spouses are not eligible for MHA.

如果您的资格百分比低于100%, 您的MHA付款将按您的百分比水平按比例分配.



退伍军人事务部支付41美元.67/ credit hour up to $1,000 per academic year for the book stipend. The stipend is paid directly to you and is not split evenly between semesters. 如果您的资格百分比低于100%, 您的图书付款将按您的百分比水平按比例分配.


你必须在每个月底核实你的注册,以继续收到你的住房津贴/踢球费. 如果您在连续两个月后仍未验证或报告您不再注册课程,则付款将被扣留.

退伍军人事务部鼓励你选择发送短信, 这很简单, 快速, 和安全选项验证. 您也可以通过电子邮件或va在线验证.政府. 欲了解更多信息,请访问VA 9/11后退伍军人法案®注册验证 页面.



海军陆战队枪炮中士约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金(弗莱奖学金)为因公殉职的服役人员的子女和幸存的配偶提供教育福利,或者是在9月11日或之后死于与服务有关的残疾的被选中的预备役成员, 2001. 有关资格的更多信息,请访问VA 网站.

If you are eligible for both the Fry Scholarship and Dependents Educational Assistance, you will be required to make an irrevocable election between the two programs when you apply.


弗莱奖学金为9/11后退伍军人法案®提供长达36个月的福利,福利率为100%. You will receive tuition and mandatory fees up to VA’s private school tuition cap, 每月住房津贴和书费津贴. If the program you are pursuing participates in the 黄丝带计划, you will be eligible. Please see the Post-9/11 GI Bill® tab above for more information.


Edith Nourse Rogers STEM奖学金为使用9/11后GI法案®的退伍军人或在高需求领域使用Fry奖学金的家属提供额外的9/11后GI法案®资格. 学生必须有6个月或更少的剩余权利. 在新大有两种途径获得奖学金:

  • 参加STEM课程获得本科学位的学生必须完成60个学期的课程学分,并且该课程至少需要120个学期的学分才能毕业.
  • A student who has earned a STEM undergraduate degree and has enrolled in a teaching program.

The STEM scholarship program cannot be used for graduate programs at this time.

如果您符合资格标准,则不能保证您将获得STEM奖学金. VA优先考虑那些在9/11后退伍军人法案®中获得100%福利水平并且与其他申请人相比需要最多学分的申请人. 欲了解更多信息,请访问VA的STEM奖学金 网站.


The STEM scholarship provides approved applicants up to an additional nine months, 或者总共30美元,000, 的好处, 先到者为准. VA will pay your tuition and mandatory fees to the school first. Tuition and mandatory fees cannot exceed VA’s annual private school tuition cap. 如果还有钱的话, 你可能有资格获得书籍和用品的付款, 然后是住房津贴. 每月的住房津贴会直接寄给你,你必须继续核实你的入学情况才能收到住房津贴.

The 黄丝带计划 is not part of the STEM scholarship program, 所以你不再有资格获得这笔额外的资助.


你可以在VA的网站上申请STEM奖学金. VA大约需要30天的时间来做出决定,他们按月颁发奖学金. 退伍军人事务部将与学校一起核实你的资格. If your application is approved, you will receive a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) in the mail. If denied, you will receive a denial letter explaining VA’s decision. 关于奖学金的所有决定由弗吉尼亚大学做出. School Certifying Officials do not have any input in the decision.




该项目为因服役相关疾病而永久和完全残疾的退伍军人的家属和配偶提供教育和培训机会, 谁被捕或失踪, or who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition. For additional information about start and end dates of eligibility, please visit VA's 网站.

如果你同时符合弗莱奖学金和缉毒局的资格, 您需要选择使用哪个福利. Once you have made your choice, you cannot switch to the other program.


根据你正在攻读的教育或培训的类型和你的注册状态提供每月津贴. You may receive less than the full amount each month if you are enrolled less than full-time, 你正在接受在职培训, 或者你在参加学徒计划.

每月的津贴直接从VA寄给你. Payments are received on the first of the month for your enrollment in the prior month. Some stipends are prorated based on terms starting or ending part way through the month. You are responsible for your tuition and fees payment regardless of when VA sends your payment.



军队成员, 海军, 空军, 海军陆战队或海岸警卫队预备役, 陆军国民警卫队, 或空军国民警卫队可能有资格获得长达36个月的教育和培训福利. All initial entry training must be completed before you are eligible. Specific requirements and the eligibility period for the benefit can be found on VA's 网站.


根据您正在攻读的教育或培训类型以及您的注册状态,每月的费率. You may receive less than the full amount each month if you are enrolled less than full-time, 你正在接受在职培训, 或者你在参加学徒计划.

每月的津贴直接从VA寄给你. Payments are received on the first of the month for your enrollment in the prior month. Some stipends are prorated based on terms starting or ending part way through the month. You are responsible for your tuition and fees payment regardless of when VA sends your payment.

注意: If you have a kicker, you may get more money each month than the full-time enrollment rate. VA会把这笔钱加到你的月供里.



You must verify your enrollment each month either online through 网上注册自动验证(WAVE) 或拨打VA免费电话1-877-823-2378.