Background Info

DISD teachers helping students, 1977 
DISD teacher helping students with their assignment in 1977. 来自达拉斯公共图书馆德克萨斯/达拉斯历史与档案部的收藏.

美国宪法所禁止的种族隔离, 美国最高法院和联邦法规不再存在于dsd,” declared Judge Sanders in June 2003. 这份简短而有力的声明几乎没有显示出这条漫长的道路. The litigation paperwork alone involved in the Tasby case could literally fill an entire room; supporting documentation, multiple advisory reports, 提交给法庭的证据大大增加了档案.

对于那些渴望看到的人来说,达拉斯学校融合的历史一开始并不顺利 Brown brought to fruition. In general, 在一场全市范围的选举中,达拉斯的大多数人反对废除种族隔离的早期计划, Dallasites voted four to one against school integration. 此外,美国国防部和强大的商业利益集团试图扼杀随之而来的各种诉讼.

In 1955, United States District Court Judge William H. 阿特韦尔驳回了原告要求废除达拉斯学校种族隔离的请求, 认为美国最高法院越权在 Brown. He did the same in 1957, 当时他驳回了全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)代表两名达拉斯黑人儿童提出的诉讼,这两名儿童希望就读离家更近的白人学校,而不是黑人学校. Judge Atwell was overruled by the Fifth Circuit in both cases. He later ordered that all Dallas schools be desegregated, 但他的计划随后被第五巡回法院以不合理为由驳回.

直到1961年,达拉斯一直是南方最大的实行种族隔离教育制度的城市. In 1960, 第五巡回法院首席大法官批评了国防部的拖延,他说, “Words without deeds are not enough.” Consequently, in 1961, 达拉斯学校董事会在第五巡回法院的命令下实施了一项废除种族隔离的计划(“阶梯计划”). On September 6, 1961, 18名黑人孩子开始在一年级上课,在此之前,这所学校一直是白人的隔离学校. The NAACP, however, 表达了对教育部官员的不满,因为他们给黑人孩子进入白人学校制造了不必要的困难. 尽管如此,1967年9月,学区宣布达拉斯学校废除种族隔离.

The Tasby Litigation Begins

As the next thirty years of litigation would prove, such optimism was unwarranted; the Dallas schools were far from desegregated. The Tasby litigation began on October 6, 1970, 萨姆·塔斯比向联邦法院提起诉讼,指控学校继续使用双重学校制度 Brown. The greater Dallas community did not welcome this lawsuit, 因为许多人强烈认为,国防部已经尽了自己的职责 Brown, even though Dallas school zones were de facto segregated. The Tasby 审判于1971年7月12日至7月16日进行,由美国地区法官William M. Taylor. At its completion, Judge Taylor declared “a dual system still exists,,并命令学区领导提出一项废除达拉斯学校系统种族隔离的新计划. 这个计划被称为“文化融合废除种族隔离计划”,” and was published on July 23, 1971.

In July of 1975, the Fifth Circuit rejected important parts of this plan, ordering the implementation of a new one by January 1976. This only added to the complex nature of the Tasby 诉讼,因为其他当事人也加入了诉讼,包括NAACP.

On February 2, 1976, Judge Taylor presided over a second desegregation trial, and by April, a new desegregation plan was issued. The Fifth Circuit rejected most of this plan as well. 该计划中分歧最大的部分集中在学生乘坐校车的问题上, 泰勒法官就一项新的废除种族隔离计划举行了额外的听证会. He removed himself from the ongoing litigation on March 21, 为了避免废除种族隔离计划被推翻的进一步可能性.

Judge Barefoot Sanders Enters the Case

Judge Sanders inherited the Tasby 当时法院已经在监督四年级到八年级学生的校车接送. During the 1970’s, court-ordered busing was a fractious issue in Dallas, as in other parts of the United States, and more often than not, 黑人学生来到新学校时感到不受欢迎. 与此同时,白人逃亡的现象一直在达拉斯蔓延.

After a series of hearings, 桑德斯法官发现,DISD继续显示出种族隔离的迹象, 但他的结论是,额外的公共汽车并不能解决问题. 他命令各党派向他提交新的废除种族隔离计划. 此后,他发布了十年来的第三个废除种族隔离计划,命令:

本判决构成了达拉斯独立学区(“学区”或“学区”)的废除种族隔离计划,并根据, and is to be construed in the light of and consistent with, (1) the Court’s Memorandum Opinion dated August 3, 1981; (2) the Stipulation dated December 1, 1981, and approved by the Court on December 2, 1981; and (3) the Court’s Memorandum Opinions and Orders dated December 7, 1981; December 21, 1981; January 4, 1982; and February 1, 1982. 本判决取代本院1976年作出的终审判决. 本判决中规定的所有课程必须在1982-83学年开始前启动, or sooner if feasible, unless otherwise herein provided.

During August of 1983, 学区董事会一致接受第五巡回法院对桑德法官废除种族隔离计划的支持,最终结束了对法院废除种族隔离命令的抗争. 从那时起,DISD一直处于桑德斯的监督之下,直到他宣布废除种族隔离.

Over the next few years, 桑德斯法官裁定,9至12年级和K至3年级的校车距离太远,不允许校车接送. 他在1985年和1986年通过创建当地学习中心有效地停止了巴士. 他还监督了债券计划和新磁铁学校的建设,他希望这些学校能成为校车的可行替代方案.


对DISD的司法监督由来已久 Tasby case finally ended in 2003. 在他那一年的裁决中,DISD脱离了法院的监管, 桑德斯法官表示,他希望DISD学校董事会成员能够贯彻精神和实质 Brown without continued need for court supervision.