The James Pratt Collection


Housed in the Hunt Institute at Lyle, 詹姆斯·普拉特收藏馆是一个以珍本图书为特色的参考图书馆, manuscripts, 以及普拉特在达拉斯作为一名有远见的建筑师的个人档案. 它包括数百卷的主题,如城市设计, architectural history, landscape architecture, local building projects and design theory.

普拉特慷慨地从他的国际知名公司普拉特捐赠了这座图书馆, Box, and Henderson, as well as volumes from his personal collection. 大量难以找到的绝版出版物随这份礼物而来.

詹姆斯·普拉特在当地和国际上的影响力值得适当认可, which is why the James Pratt Collection was assembled, serving as a humble tribute to his incredible life and career. From Rome to Tokyo, Athens to Dallas, 詹姆斯·普拉特收藏跨越国界,覆盖全球,激励下一代城市规划师, architects, artists and humanitarians. 亨特研究所认为,这些收藏不仅是对现代达拉斯杰出的影响者之一的激动人心的致敬,而且为有兴趣在人道主义相关领域从事职业的工程专业学生提供了重要的新资源.

Anyone interested in urbanism, architecture, 艺术或人道主义问题被邀请参观亨特研究所,探索詹姆斯·普拉特收藏. This is a functioning reference library, 所以书籍和资料不能从亨特研究所搬走. SMU students are, however, 随时欢迎您在正常营业时间从书架上取下一本书进行研究.


The James Pratt Collection on Urbanism, Architecture, Art & Humanity includes over 900 books, some rare and significant first editions, architecture-related magazines and monographs, and a diverse group of other publications. 它拥有普拉特建筑公司的材料组合, Box, and Henderson, as well as personal archives of J. 哈罗德·博克斯和詹姆斯·普拉特在公民组织和专业组织. 这些书涵盖了许多学科,从景观建筑和哲学到历史和植物学. While the majority is in English, a fair number are in foreign languages, including French, Italian, Finnish, and Japanese.

普拉特多年来订阅的小型博物馆公告和建筑杂志也包括在内. Some files contain business correspondences, archives, designs, 以及来自建筑和设计实践一生的建议. 还有普拉特在德克萨斯大学读书时的作业笔记本. Major projects addressed in these documents include Fair Park, the Trinity River Corridor, 以及普拉特在SOS(拯救开放空间)期间发起的几项倡议. A separate section features publications specific to Dallas, including plans, proposals and studies of highway systems, ecosystems, and geographic viability for urban development.

一个主要部分载有与《威尼斯人博彩》有关的会议记录和报告, 成立于20世纪60年代末的城市规划委员会,与70年代达拉斯的发展直接相关. 最大的一组材料涉及该公司在1964年至1969年间与美国建筑学院的合作.


已故的詹姆斯·普拉特于1927年3月25日出生在德克萨斯州的斯坦福德. 他的父母詹姆斯·里斯·普拉特和玛格丽特·巴雷特·普拉特是新加坡管理大学第二届毕业班的学生. He graduated from Highland Park High School, 第二次世界大战期间,他在海军服役,本科时在奥斯汀的德克萨斯大学学习建筑, graduating in 1950. 普拉特随后进入哈佛大学,1953年获得建筑学硕士学位. 他回到了达拉斯,一个迅速发展成为战后汽车大都市的城市. Pratt began a practice with another promising young architect, Hal Box, in 1957, and four years later, they were joined by Pratt’s brother-in-law, Philip Henderson.

Pratt, Box, 亨德森的城市设计工作始于1957年的“达拉斯市中心研究”, sponsored by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Dallas Planning Council, and the Dallas Museum of Art. 两年后,一份类似的关于州议会大厦政府大楼扩建的研究报告出炉. 这家公司为德克萨斯州博览会提供了七年的咨询服务. 他们将费尔公园与市中心和达拉斯会议中心连接起来. Pratt, Box, 亨德森计划在达拉斯为特拉梅尔·克劳建立贸易市场, London, Taipei, and Cairo, and designed and built hotels in Vanuatu, Fiji, and Samoa. 他们还为美国西部的大学建造了六个校外学生住房项目. 

普拉特对其公司的投资组合和达拉斯地区的重大贡献包括上城区的四合院购物中心, Brookhaven College, Olla Podrida marketplace and St. Stephen United Methodist Church, Mesquite, Texas. He also designed the Apparel Mart, 1976年科幻电影《威尼斯人娱乐城》的拍摄地. 普拉特负责保护和修复1893年达拉斯县法院, 耗资1000万美元的博览会广场(Exposition Plaza)竣工,以纪念该州成立150周年, the preservation of the Bryan Cabin, 并领导他的公司恢复了联邦储备银行的公平性. 

普拉特在社区和建筑界担任过各种领导职务,他孜孜不倦地致力于维护和改进. He was the founder and director of Dallas Visions for Community; president and chairman of committees for the Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA); member of the board and executive committee for The Science Place; trustee of the Dallas Historical Society, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, and the North Texas Educational Foundation (KERA); board member of the Dallas County Save Open Space Board, responsible for the purchase of land under County Bond funds; and a member of the HUD Comprehensive Housing Affordability Survey Advisory Committee. As president of the Dallas AIA Chapter in 1969, 普拉特是城市设计咨询委员会(UDAC)的创始人之一。, 一个由建筑师组成的多学科专业团队,为达拉斯城市经理提供咨询服务, landscape architects, and city planners. Pratt remained a chairman of the UDAC for a decade.

Among other publications on various design subjects, Pratt was the co-author of The Prairie’s Yield (1962), Environmental Encounter (1979), and author of Dallas Visions for Community (1992).

普拉特是美国建筑师协会的会员, in his lifetime, received over 30 local, state, national and international design and technical awards.