


CS 1341: Problem-solving; basic programming techniques (data types; variables, 常量, 和表达, 输入/输出, print statements and output formatting; branching, 循环, methods); object-oriented programming: classes and objects (encapsulation, 作文, 继承), UML(仅限类图)

CS 1342: File handling; i/o streams; exceptions; recursion; abstract classes; interfaces; wrapper classes; polymorphism

CS 2341: Abstract data types (lists; vectors; queues; trees; heaps; hashtables); searching and sorting algorithms; time complexity analysis

CS 2353: 命题逻辑, 真值表, 集, 功能, 关系, 数论, 基本的证明, 数学归纳法, 递归关系, 图论


cs3341:自动机理论, 正则表达式, 语法, 编程语言, 线程和多处理, 哈希函数, 加密, 数字签名

cs3353:排序算法, basic graph algorithms; fundamental algorithmic techniques: greedy, 递归, 动态规划, 算法正确性和时间复杂度的证明

CS 5330: Relational database concepts; writing queries with SQL; logical database design; transaction processing concepts; overview of physical database design/query processing; noSQL data models (introduction)

CS 5343: 操作系统的理论和实践方面:进程和线程, 分时和多道程序操作系统, 调度和同步工具, 主内存和虚拟内存管理, 进程间通信和同步, 大容量存储管理.

CS 5344: 网络协议, 分层通信架构, 有线和无线数据传输, 网络路由, TCP/IP和UDP, 思科包跟踪器

CS 5328: full-stack end-to-end web app development; team-based SE; modern SE platforms/tools; SE lifecycle; agile process; API; design patterns

CS 5351: 状态报告, 项目时间表, 范围, 风险, 行动, 端到端软件解决方案交付, 敏捷开发方法, 软件工程文档, produce a Jira board that outlines the hybrid SDLC model using Waterfall and Agile; project management fundamentals; weekly customer status and technical meetings

AI /毫升跟踪

CS 5320: Intelligent agent design; search and optimization; uncertainty and probabilistic reasoning; learning from examples

CS 5324: Neural Networks; Gradient-based optimization; Convolutional Networks; Transformers; Coding given in language Python with emphasis on pandas, numpy, 和tensorflow.


CS 5314:软件质量特征/属性, 质量保证, 缺陷预防/删除/遏制, 测试技术, 功能/黑盒测试, 结构/白盒测试, 基于使用的统计测试, 缺陷预防和过程改进, 检查, 形式验证, 质量测量/分析/改进.

cs5319:软件架构和设计, 建筑风格, 组件, 连接器, 建筑建模/ Visulization, Archtectural评价, 体系结构分析, 实现


CS 3381

CS 4381


CS 5351: 数据探索, 聚类, 分类, 关联分析, 知识发现过程项目遵循CRISP-DM.

CS 5352: 自然语言模型:TF-IDF, 字格, 主题模型, Neural Network based; fundamental tasks of NLP: segmentation, 误差修正, 标签, 解析, semantic analysis; overview of Large Language Models.