


You may be the best violinist/muralist/filmmaker/跳舞r/actor in your town. But even if you are a top talent, it can be a challenge to get into the college you want. Your application will be one of many submitted by outstanding high school and transfer students from around the world. To increase your chances of admission, it’s important to keep your academic grades high. 积极参与学校或社区活动. 在你递交申请之前, read college websites and social media to get familiar with their programs and opportunities. Attend info sessions either in person or virtually. 当你填写申请表的时候, 然后你试镜或者提交你的作品集, let them know what differentiates you from all the other applicants. 做那个发光的人.


是否申请音乐, 跳舞, 剧院, 电影或工作室艺术, 一定要做好, shoot or create as much as possible while in high school.

音乐在暑期节目中表演, 社区产品, 大师班, 私人课程, 给朋友和父母, 等. will boost your skills and your confidence. The more you perform, the less nervous you will be at audition time! Research the school’s audition requirements ahead of time and start working on your audition piece well ahead of audition day.

剧院:选择试镜独白时, help the audition committee get to know you: Choose a character fairly close to you in age from a play about which you passionately care. 虽然你想展示你的范围, going too broad can be a trap – the committee may not learn enough about you by seeing you portray an 80-year-old serial killer. 来试镜,准备好表演. Stay open to anything thrown at you – welcome the challenges!

舞蹈: Prepare a solo that presents your qualities, technical abilities and expressive range in the best possible light. Get input from your teachers/coaches on the style and content of your solo, and ask them to help you bring it to a high level of performance. Come to the audition thinking of it as a learning opportunity, just as you do when you go to a technique class: Listen carefully to the directions during the audition and don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions. The most important thing is for the auditioning committee to see the artist in you shining through!

艺术: Actively create art in your school classes or take classes in your community, and always include time to create art on your own. Explore as many mediums as you can – painting with oil, 水彩, acrylics; drawing with pencil, 蜡笔, 木炭, computer software; try ceramics, 雕塑, 摄影, 美术视频和更多. 参加或参加艺术展览. 参观画廊和博物馆. Observe the world around you; notice the light, 阴影, color, form, 人, 植物, 形状, 一切. Take a close look at artworks you admire and figure out what the artist did to make it connect with you.

电影尽量看电视, 电影, 新词, 社交媒体视频, 纪录片, 实验部分, 独立还是主流, 来自美国.S. 全世界都是如此. Write, write, write: Nothing happens in filmmaking if there isn’t something written first. Keep coming up with ideas for characters and situations. Look at the news for story ideas; listen to your friends and family; go out an explore the world so you can draw from your own experiences.


Whether for studio art (any medium) or film and video, start building your portfolio as soon as you can. Curate it – show only your best work, not 一切 you’ve ever done. Take advantage of college portfolio reviews where you can get one-on-one advice and a clearer idea of what that college is looking for. Many colleges want to see a range of topics and mediums, and some like to see series. 他们想看看你是一个怎样的艺术家. Be sure to check out the portfolio requirements before you send in your oeuvre.


Each performing or visual arts school may require a different repertoire or number of pieces/mediums in a portfolio, and many schools have an intricate set of deadlines for the university admission application and for the audition/portfolio application. 花时间阅读所有的细则. Take notes and keep the information about your different schools organized. If the audition requires three pieces and you bring two, the admission committee may not regard your application as highly as they would those who prepared the required three pieces. If something isn’t clear or you want more information, call or email the college’s admission office well in advance of audition days or deadlines.


用信息武装自己. 学生多久表演一次, 双学位, 有实习, 画廊展示了, 电影的盛会, 社区参与的机会? In addition to training in the arts, what kind of entrepreneurship training is available? Are there classes in which you learn how to market yourself, 创造你自己的艺术冒险, 建立受众? Is there space for you to put your gear in the school, or do you have to haul 一切 all over campus? How much access do students have to the faculty? When you zero in on which schools you really want, go visit them. Talk to current students, get a tour, observe a class. 感受氛围. 你觉得这所学校合适吗?


如果你提前几周问的话, many colleges can arrange for you to observe a class, 参加集体排练, do free portfolio reviews or see performances by students and faculty. Oftentimes, colleges also bring in high-profile guest speakers and allow the public to attend. Colleges are brimming with activity in your field – check it out, get involved and enjoy a taste of college life!

现在是你准备的时候了. 大胆尝试吧!

想了解更多信息? Get additional helpful hints from the admission pros at julihui168.com/5tips.