B.A. 艺术史,博物馆研究专业,学位要求

The 博物馆研究专业 within the 艺术历史 major provides students with pre-professional training to begin their careers in museums, 艺术画廊, 档案, 历史遗迹, 还有其他收集的机构, 保存, 显示, 解读视觉文化的对象. 通过广泛的实地考察和与博物馆专业人士的对话, students develop a robust understanding of the operating practices of museums as holistic institutions. Required internships and practicum training courses provide résumé-ready work experiences and networking opportunities in local museums and galleries. 学生们选修艺术史的课程, 以及其他学科的两门必修课, 发展严谨的研究技巧,以妥善保护艺术品, 舞台上展览, 并与公众沟通. Several course options delve deeply into the current challenges and opportunities faced by museums – such as reckoning with calls for object repatriation, 非殖民化, 博物馆内的抗议, and technological advances – preparing students to grapple with those issues on the job in the contemporary museum world.

The Museum Studies track in the 艺术历史 major is particularly ideal for these career paths:

  • 博物馆或相关机构的工作, 比如档案, 历史遗迹, 或者其他收藏机构.
  • 画廊、拍卖行或艺术咨询领域.
  • 艺术 保护 (note: Chemistry courses are also required for admission to graduate degree programs in 艺术 Conservation. Please talk with the 艺术历史 Director of 本科阶段的学习 for more advice).

基础课程. Foundations courses include the three-part introductory survey sequence (ARHS 1300, arh 1301, 和ARHS 1302), which provide an overview of major art historical developments from prehistory to the present. 学生必须选修一门调查课程(ARHS 1300), arh 1301, 或ARHS 1302)完成3个学分的基础要求. This requirement can also be fulfilled with ARHS 1303 or ARHS 1304 (which are primarily used for AP or transfer credit).

此外,3个学时的基础完成的调查, 学生必须再修一门1000级ARHS课程.

时间性/挑战经典课程. 临时性课程是高级课程(3000), 4000, or 5000 level) art history courses that offer frameworks for a broad understanding of temporal dimensions: a duration of time, 某些领域对其他领域的影响力, 从过去延伸到现在,反之亦然, 或者是随时间的递归问题. The objects and narratives that constitute the history of art are in constant flux. 从历史上看, 我们的学科专注于艺术作品, 艺术家, and ways of seeing that emerged from the European tradition and has privileged the viewpoints of individuals who were (among other things) white, 男性, 异性恋, 和富有的. Courses with the Challenging the Canon designation explore artistic objects and traditions that challenge the validity of such an exclusionary canon and narrow perspective.

博物馆研究课程. Museum Studies courses are art history courses that focus primarily or exclusively on museums as institutions and spaces where artworks are 显示ed, 解释, 和研究. 与博物馆特别相关的技术和技术, 比如艺术品是如何制作的,以及如何策展, 保护, 以及解释技术, 这些课程的重点是什么. Of the 12 credit hours required, only 3 credit hours can be taken at the 1000 level. 只接受带有ARHS前缀的课程.

研究与方法. All 艺术历史 majors are required to take ARHS 4399 -艺术史的研究和方法. Students are encouraged to take this course before enrolling in another advanced (4000 level) 艺术历史 course.

必需的研讨会. 这些小, advanced (4000 level) art history classes are reading and writing intensive and offer the occasion to think critically and carefully about the dynamics of historical change and to engage with issues and debates in art history.

Professional 实习 or Practicums in an 艺术/Archaeology Museum, 艺术画廊, or Archive. 实习可以根据ARHS 4311获得课程学分, 哪一项要求学生申请并获得实习offer, 在实习期间至少工作150小时, and submit a 10 page paper detailing the training received and the professional growth achieved by the student through the internship. 为了获得ARHS 4311规定的实习学分, documentation must be submitted to the 艺术历史 Department prior to the first week of the semester; review and approval is at the department’s discretion.

Practicum courses are offered directly by the 艺术历史 Department: ARHS 4303 艺术 Museum Teaching Practicum or ARHS 4305 艺术画廊 Practicum. Each of these practicum courses provides students with training in a specific art history career and culminates in a real-world work product.

工作室艺术. 学生需要修3个学分的工作室艺术课程.

跨学科选修课: Students are required to take 6 credit hours (maximum of 3 credit hours from a single department) from a list of approved Interdisciplinary electives, 以下系有哪些课程:艺术管理 & 艺术创业, 人类学, 电影, 环境科学, 历史, 宗教研究, 和社会学. These electives will give students in the Museum Studies specialization the skills and knowledge about a wide range of museum types (such as natural history museums, 民族博物馆, 等.) and the diverse scholarly approaches to materials and objects exhibited in museums.

候补课程可以代替预先批准的课程, 但须经美术史学系批准. Contact the 艺术历史 Department’s Director of 本科阶段的学习 with inquiries.

Minimum required grade: Only courses passed with a grade of C- or better will count toward the major in art history. 成绩低于C-的课程可以计入其他科目, 学生学位计划中的选修课要求.


An SMU undergraduate degree requires a minimum of 120 credit hours and must include completion of the 大学公共课程选修一门专业和/或其他专业或未成年人的组合. 完成某些专业需要超过120学时才能完成学位. 本课程学分分配如下:





3000或4000级的艺术史课程. 3个学时必须涵盖1700°C之前的课程.E. 和3必须涵盖公元1700年后的时期.E.



要求:ARHS 3398:介绍博物馆研究


  • ARHS 3309:博物馆伦理
  • ARHS 3310:战争、掠夺和古代艺术收藏
  • ARHS 3326:它是如何制作的:艺术对象的艺术史方法
  • ARHS 3335:梅多斯博物馆聚光灯:艺术史一个对象在一个时间
  • ARHS 3339:埃尔·格列柯到戈雅:黄金时代的西班牙绘画
  • ARHS 3342:艺术市场
  • ARHS 3344:普拉多美术馆的画作
  • ARHS 3355: Exhibiting Cultures: Curating and Interpreting the 艺术s of the Global South
  • ARHS 3362:去殖民化艺术博物馆
  • ARHS 3379:策展艺术:策展人和策展实践的角色
  • ARHS 3382:文化冲击:博物馆作为抗议场所
  • ARHS 3391:博物馆的未来和新技术
  • ARHS 4322:博物馆理论



  • 一个4000或5000级的研讨会课程

艺术/考古博物馆专业实习或实习, 艺术画廊, 或档案(6学时)

  • ARHS 4303:美术馆教学实习
  • ARHS 4305:画廊实习
  • ARHS 4311:博物馆实习


  • 1门工作室美术课程(任何学科/媒介)

Interdisciplinary Electives (6 Credit Hours; maximum 3 credit hours from a single department)

  • AMAE 3301:非营利和艺术领导
  • ama3305:预算和财务素养的艺术
  • ANTH 2463:我们过去的科学
  • ANTH 2380:处于危险中的培养
  • 北美考古学
  • ANTH 3351:法医人类学
  • ANTH 3353:北美印第安人
  • ANTH 3390:被掠夺的过去
  • ANTH 6342: Archaeological Sciences (undergrads can take with ANTH Department permission)
  • 电影2351:国际电影史
  • FILM 2362:多样性与美国电影和媒体
  • 电影2364:电影和电视喜剧的历史
  • 电影3352:美国电影史
  • 影片3353:美国广播史
  • FILM 3355:纪录片电影和电视的历史
  • GEOL 1315:环境科学导论
  • HIST 1325:做数字历史
  • HIST 1326:做口述历史
  • RELI 1301:宗教素养
  • SOCI 3321:非营利组织
  • SOCI 3322:非营利组织在社区中的工作

Total for the Major (BA 艺术史, 博物馆研究专业) Only: 42 Credit Hours