
艺术历史 trains us to think critically and engage aesthetically with a world saturated by images. 在SMU, students take an expansive range of 艺术历史 classes on topics spanning from ancient Mesopotamia to Afro-Futurism. The major works of the traditional 艺术历史 canon are taught – from the soaring 体系结构 and marble sculpture of the Athenian Parthenon to Impressionist-style paintings such as 睡莲 by Claude Monet – alongside a robust slate of courses that challenge the centrality of that canon by deeply considering world regions, subaltern communities and forms of visual culture (figurines, 服装, 地图, 科学的图, masquerade performances, 视频游戏, 等.) that are traditionally overlooked. SMU is one of only two universities in the United States with fully developed curriculum on South American and Central American art from the ancient to the contemporary periods. Interdisciplinary and intercultural connections are central to our courses, which overlap with disciplines as diverse as human rights, 跳舞, 电影, 文学, 广告, science and engineering.

The vast majority of SMU 艺术历史 courses are taught by tenured or tenure-track research faculty, giving students the opportunity to learn from leading scholars in the field. Courses range in size from large introductory lectures to small research-intensive seminars in which 艺术历史 majors and minors develop the analytical and writing skills necessary to pursue their own original research. SMU 艺术历史 professors closely mentor their students, with personalized advising available at every step of a student’s path from declaring the major or minor to graduation and beyond. The Director of 本科阶段的学习 is available to meet with all majors and minors about course selection, 进展程度, 实习, 出国留学, graduate school applications and career planning. Students can also work closely with any member of the 艺术历史 faculty to pursue independent research projects, 包括一个 高级荣誉论文.

Career preparation begins now, and the SMU 艺术历史 program connects students with a robust selection of internship opportunities. 艺术历史 students enjoy unusually close proximity to world-class institutions such as the Kimbell 艺术 Museum, 阿蒙·卡特博物馆, Nasher Sculpture Center, 达拉斯艺术博物馆, the renowned Meadows Museum and more. The SMU campus is located only five miles from downtown Dallas, home to the country’s largest arts district. 艺术历史 majors and minors can earn course credit for completing a museum internship, some of which (such as the DMA-SMU summer internship) are available exclusively to SMU 艺术历史 students. Pre-professional career training and real-world work experience in the museum field is also available on campus, whether through curating an exhibition as part of the 艺术 Gallery Practicum (ARHS 4305) or leading tours of the Meadows Museum to elementary school students as part of the 艺术 Museum Teaching Practicum (ARHS 4303).

SMU 艺术历史 majors go on to careers in museums and galleries, 还有保护, 拍卖行, art advisory and consulting, 出版, 艺术法律, 文化政策, 体系结构, 城市设计, teaching and non-profit management. Many recent SMU 艺术历史 undergraduates have gone on to graduate school at institutions such as Yale University, University of Pennsylvania and the University of Oxford. Learn more about some of our students’ graduate school journeys.

Learn more about the undergraduate programs of study 艺术史: