
Please review the audition requirements listed below for area in the Master of 音乐 in Performance or Performer's Diploma.

Please pick repertoire that shows your ability amongst other applicants. Show us what you can do while still be being comfortable in your playing. If you have specific questions on repertoire requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

音乐教育硕士学位, 作文, 进行, 音乐 历史 和 Literature 和 音乐 Theory Pedagogy do not require an audition on a principal instrument (or voice).


莫扎特大管协奏曲. 1 exposition; slow movement of choice from the st和ard concerto or recital repertoire, contrasting in style or period; three contrasting orchestral excerpts of the applicant's choice. 除了, the applicant may be asked to play a selection of major 和 harmonic minor scales up to high C.

One unaccompanied piece (excluding etudes); one st和ard concerto (all movements).

One movement from a st和ard recital piece or concerto. 一首玫瑰的练习曲由你选择. 两段管弦乐选段.

One st和ard concerto; two contrasting movements from any unaccompanied cello suite by J.S. 巴赫; One 20th or 21st century work or a transcription of an earlier work (preferably originally composed by a female or person of color); four orchestral excerpts.

莫扎特的第一乐章 G或D大调协奏曲; a second piece of your choice that contrasts stylistically with the Mozart concerto, preferably a French Conservatory piece; two movements of any 巴赫 sonata.

Two movements from a 巴赫 suite; a theme 和 variations or sonata/allegro movement by Sor or Giuliani; two Villa-Lobos etudes; a contemporary work by a composer like Martin, 了这, Henze, 等.


  • 1 st和ard work from the harp repertoire (difficulty level similar to the Faure Impromptu or the Gr和jany Rhapsodie)
  • 1 work from either the Baroque/Classical era or the Contemporary period
  • 1 cadenza from the following: Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti; Tzigane by Ravel; Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky; Vsherad from Ma Vlast by Smetana
  • 瓦格纳, Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde; Ravel, 谢天谢地, beginning to rehearsal 4; Bartok, 协奏曲 for Orchestra mvt 4 和 5; Strauss, 死亡与变形, 开始排练;


只有第一乐章的探险 2nd or 莫扎特第四号协奏曲; entire 第1乐章 Strauss 第一号圆号协奏曲. 1; 舒曼为圆号和钢琴而作的慢板和快板,所有的 慢板 测量1-19 快板; four to six contrasting orchestral excerpts that demonstrate loud 和 soft playing 和 high 和 low registers.

第1乐章 莫扎特协奏曲; Ferling 练习曲# 1 费林练习曲#2.

器官 (Requires submission of a “pre-screening” video by December 1st)

Applicants should submit a repertoire list, CV, 准备以下材料:

A video recording of at least three medium-difficult to difficult pieces from different stylistic periods. 其中一定有J的作品. S. 巴赫. Three contrasting hymns, each one consisting of at least three stanzas 和 an introduction.


Graduate students should include a Baroque piece, 巴赫的重要作品, 浪漫主义风格的作品, 当代作品, 最好是一个表现出技术灵巧的人.

All auditioning organ students must include a complete repertoire list, specification of the organ on which the audition was recorded, 当可适用, 和 a listing of the dates when each work was begun. Bring these to the audition or submit them with the recording.

A short sight-reading exercise will be administered at the audition.

打击乐器 -试镜以下所有内容:
一首双槌练习曲或独奏, one four-mallet etude or solo; Preferably, one of these works should be from the Violin or Cello Suites of J.S. 巴赫和一个人应该是同时代的. 三到五个标准管弦乐选段.

古德曼的任何一首练习曲, Hochrainer, 或者德克卢塞用三个或四个鼓, 加上三到五段标准管弦乐选段.

One rudimental etude 和 one orchestral etude by Cirone, Delecluse or comparable. 加上三到五段标准管弦乐选段.

Three to five orchestral excerpts for cymbals, tambourine 和/or triangle.


A pre-screen will be required for Fall 2025 piano applicants. Pre-screen requirements will be updated in mid-September.

Audition repertoire should include pieces from a minimum of three stylistic periods. One of those pieces must be from the Baroque or Classical periods.

  • C和idates auditioning for the MM in Performance or the MM in Performance 和 Pedagogy should prepare a program of at least 40 minutes of memorized music from which the piano faculty may choose to hear at the live audition. For recorded auditions, please submit the entire program.
  • C和idates auditioning for the Performer's Diploma should prepare a recital program of at least 60 minutes of memorized music from which the piano faculty may choose to hear at the live audition. For video recorded auditions, please submit the entire recital program.

任何主要的协奏曲或乐章 & 2或动作2 & 克雷斯顿街3号 萨克斯奏鸣曲; 和 major 和 minor scales.

Solo of choice; two contrasting etudes (i.e. one melodic, one technical); two orchestral excerpts; 和 major scales 和 arpeggios.

Two contrasting etudes; two contrasting solos (one movement from each solo is okay); at least 5 orchestral excerpts of choice. 

All major scales; two contrasting etudes from either Blazevich (本我), Kopprasch or Bordogni (Rochut); three to five contrasting orchestral excerpts of an applicant's choice; 和 one of the following: Hindemith 大号奏鸣曲 或者沃恩·威廉姆斯的第一乐章 协奏曲.

Two contrasting movements from JS 巴赫 6 cello suites or JS 巴赫 Partitas 和 Sonatas; one movement from a st和ard viola concerto such as - Bartok, 沃尔顿, Hindemith; one movement from a st和ard viola sonata such as - Brahms, 克拉克, Shostakovich; three orchestral excerpts of your choice.

三件不同风格的. 一首曲子可能是一首随想曲或练习曲.

的声音 (Requires submission of a “pre-screening” video by December 1st)
Applicants should submit a copy of a program from their senior recital or equivalent performance, 准备以下材料:

  • 咏叹调歌剧或清唱剧中的咏叹调
  • 两首非英语艺术歌曲
  • 一首当代艺术歌曲

A short sight-reading exercise will be administered at the audition.