SMU Professor 梅根·希 Blends Business and the 艺术s to Revolutionize Nonprofit Management

M.A. in 艺术与非营利领导 Program Director and Professor of Practice reveals how her love for arts management and nonprofit work has led to opportunities to make profound impacts in the community.



The mission of nonprofit businesses is to drive change and harness the unique power of the arts to inspire, 教育和联系人们. 在这些领域的交汇处, there is an incredible potential to create initiatives that enrich the cultural fabric of communities and address critical issues. This intersection is where creativity and purpose come together to make a tangible difference in people's lives. 

The desire to create a meaningful impact is what drives SMU Meadows professor 梅根·希 in her role in shaping the future of nonprofit leadership and arts management professionals.

“What fascinates me most about arts management and nonprofit leadership is the profound impact that mission-driven work can have on communities,希伯说. “I am particularly excited to teach subjects that combine strategic thinking with creative vision, 比如筹款, 市场营销, 和治理. These areas allow me to guide students in developing both the practical skills and the innovative mindset necessary for leading successful arts organizations.” 

Heber is a Professor of Practice in 艺术管理 and Nonprofit Leadership at SMU’s Division of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs (CCPA) and Program Director of the M.A. 在艺术和非营利领导(MANPL)计划. The classes she facilitates in the MANPL program include "Navigating the 艺术s and Nonprofit Sector: Principles and Practice” and “Strategic Leadership & 艺术转型 & 非营利组织.” 


Heber leveraged her experience with the arts to forge a niche and unexpected career path in the arts management and nonprofit leadership domains. “Like many in arts management or nonprofit leadership, I accidentally fell into it. During my undergraduate studies, I didn’t even know this was a viable career path.”

She began as a 音乐 Education major with aspirations to become a high school band director. Her mentor and director of bands at Rowan University encouraged her to audition for the Navy music program, 她在哪里获得的职位.

While in the Navy music program, Heber also discovered a new perspective on the arts. Her responsibilities extended beyond merely performing, but also management responsibilities.

“我很快发现,我喜欢做别人讨厌的事情:运营, 预算, 项目管理, 等. That was the moment I realized I was an arts administrator and that I enjoyed doing the work that facilitated good things happening - musicians making music, 非营利组织实现他们的使命.” 

她入伍后, 希伯被北特大学音乐学院聘用, 全美最大的音乐学院之一, 管理他们表演艺术中心的活动. Heber honed her organizational skills and staff training abilities by coordinating, 调度, 员工1人以上,每年有1000场排练和活动.

在此期间, 她在新大兼职攻读硕士/MBA,同时在纽特大学工作, 在晚上和周末平衡工作和学习. 随后,她被提升为通讯总监, 市场营销, 及公共关系, where she applied what she was learning from the MA/MBA program directly to their promotional 策略. 


在获得硕士/MBA学位后, 她成为了达拉斯一家非盈利艺术教育机构的执行董事. 这个角色要求她处理开发工作, 策略, 会计, 财务规划, 市场营销, 治理, 志愿者管理. Concurrently, she started teaching adjunct and realized how much she loved and missed teaching.  

在从事了五年的非营利组织管理工作和兼职教学之后, SMU hired her as their new Professor of Practice in 艺术管理 and Nonprofit Leadership. 这对希伯来说是一项重大成就, and something that reflected the nature of her journey through the arts and into the nonprofit sector. 

“Throughout my life, nonprofits have played a significant role in shaping who I am today. My career has seamlessly woven together my passions for both the arts and nonprofit work. 从一名全职音乐家到发现自己对艺术管理的热爱, every step has reinforced my belief in the transformative potential of these fields. 在新大教书让我能够与我的学生们分享这份激情, guiding them to become the next generation of leaders in the arts and nonprofit sectors."  


M.A. in 艺术与非营利领导 program at SMU offers a unique blend of rigorous academic coursework and practical, 现实世界的经验. Students can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of strategic planning, 筹款, 市场营销, 沟通, 财务管理, 在艺术和非营利组织的背景下进行管理.

另外, students will build a strong professional network and gain practical experience through hands-on projects. 最重要的是, 他们将学会如何发挥自己的激情,带着目标去领导, channeling their enthusiasm into effective and meaningful leadership that drives positive change within their organizations and communities.  

“This program benefits individuals who are committed to making a significant impact through nonprofit leadership,希伯说. “理想的候选人是那些有很强组织能力的人, 具有创造力和协作精神. 我们欢迎各种背景的人, 包括艺术领域, 人文学科, 社会科学, 及以后, as these perspectives enrich the learning experience and the sector as a whole.” 

The program targets individuals who are both in the arts without a strong business background or began in business and are now looking to have a greater impact on their community. Whether you are beginning your career and are eager to build a solid foundation in arts and nonprofit management or are a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills and deepen your knowledge, the MANPL program is designed to help graduates lead effectively and innovatively in the arts and nonprofit sectors.