帕金斯教堂: A Chapel for the 21st Century

珀金斯神学院As the centerpiece of the Charles 和 Elizabeth Prothro 的ology Quadrangle, 帕金斯教堂 serves as the primary worship setting for 珀金斯神学院 和 Southern Methodist University. 最初建于1951年, 帕金斯教堂 was one of seven buildings constructed through the vision 和 generosity of Joe. J. 和 Lois Craddock Perkins of Wichita Falls, Texas. 今天, 帕金斯教堂 st和s as a sign of the spiritual life of the seminary 和 the diverse University community.

的 Chapel plays a vital role in the spiritual formation 和 education of those preparing for 领导人hip in the Christian church 和 offers sacred space for instruction in preaching 和 teaching. Its acoustics have made the setting an ideal forum as a sanctuary for private devotions, 婚礼, 圣日庆祝活动, 和演出.

帕金斯教堂 is a brick 和 stone version of a type of church built in New Engl和 in the 18th 和 19th centuries, reflecting a Georgian style developed by Sir Christopher Wren. 它的门廊, supported by four Ionic columns, complements Bridwell图书馆 和 Kirby Hall, which also front the Charles 和 Elizabeth Prothro 的ology Quadrangle. 的 Bridwell 和 Kirby cupolas with restored gold leaf anchor the quadrangle on the north 和 south, while the refurbished chapel steeple 和 交叉 dominate the west side.

帕金斯教堂, having served the campus 和 community for 48 years, was renovated in 1999 和 again in 2019 after an unfortunate steam leak. 的 efforts were guided by the need to ensure the chapel's usefulness as a place of worship for a variety of religious 和 liturgical traditions, 神学院的教育, 和 public service for the community, while maintaining its historical, 建筑, 神学完整性.

Consistent with its Georgian attributes 和 modified basilican plan, the sanctuary is secured by a 高坛 of great stability in which all elements support the central action of liturgy—the sacred work of the people. 的 高坛 extends into the nave, enabling the congregation to be participants in the worship experience rather than spectators. 的 wide space also allows for greater flexibility in the presentation of music, 跳舞, 还有其他的礼拜仪式, with front pews removable for larger performances 和 greater accessibility.

高坛的 , 讲坛, 和字体, designed by liturgical artist Lyle Novinski, have their antecedent in English "Regency" furniture of the early 19th century, 使用樱桃, with maple columns 和 Malaysian padouk details complementing the Georgian grammar of the chapel. 单人,独立式 讲坛, unites the Word read 和 expounded. 讲坛的顶部是平的, uniting congregation 和 speaker rather than serving as a place where distinctions are made between keepers 和 hearers of the Word. 的 font's large spun basin is h和-fashioned in bronze.

In deference to the Roman influence on Georgian design, the 坛 rail—removable to accommodate various liturgies 和 religious traditions—was inspired by a Roman sarcophagus. Using an s-curve design, the rails are fashioned in bronze with balusters. 青铜烛台, rising in height to the 坛 top, 补充轨道, while mimicking a Roman lampst和 design. 的 central Christian symbol of the 交叉, crafted of beveled molding 和 covered in gold leaf, completes the 高坛 和 serves as the visual genesis for the 建筑 trim throughout the sanctuary.

镀金的科林斯式首都齿状装饰工作 highlight once-hidden 建筑 details 和 emphasize changes in plane 和 light throughout the room. A lighting system further emphasizes the coloration 和 volume of the chapel space.

A wood floor enhances 帕金斯教堂's exceptional acoustics for instrumental 和 choral arrangements. 的 multimedia 和 audio system enables multiple configurations of musicians, 领导人, 以及虚拟参与者. A Steinway gr和 piano is a gift of SMU trustee Dr. 鲍比B. Lyle ('67) of Dallas, in honor of the Rev. Katherine Glaze Lyle ('71,'73,'94).

自1997年以来, the chapel's balcony has housed the renovated 12-rank mechanical action organ originally built for SMU's Meadows School of the Arts in 1969 by Dallas organ builder Robert Sipe.