
获取有关员工/教师和受抚养资格的详细信息,以确定您或您的家庭成员是否有资格参加我们的福利计划. Once you understand who is eligible for benefits, 访问合格的生活事件部分,了解具体的生活事件,如出生, adoption, legal guardianship, change in marital status, 或者配偶或登记受抚养人的死亡也可能影响资格和您的选择.

Faculty and Staff Eligibility

Full-time Employees

Full-time Faculty and Staff engaged to work 12 months per year; 35 hours or more per week.
Eligible for all benefits.

临时全职教师(只聘用一个学期的) not eligible for SMU Benefits.

Full-time Employees - Partial Year

Full-time Faculty & Staff engaged to work less than 12 but not less than 9 months per year; 35 hours or more per week. Eligible for all benefits.

临时全职教师(只聘用一个学期的) not eligible for SMU Benefits.

Part-time Employees

Part-time Staff engaged to work at least 12 months per year; at least 20 but less than 35 hours per week. Eligible for all benefits except Tuition benefits.

Part-time Faculty are not 有资格获得新大的福利,但可以向403(b)退休计划缴款,而没有新大的匹配缴款. 大学的兼职教员在适当的教授级别之前获得“客座教授”或“兼职教授”的头衔, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor. 兼职教师也可以被任命为讲师和驻校学者.

Part-time Employees - Partial Year

Part-time Staff engaged to work less than 12 but not less than 9 months per year; at least 20 but less than 35 hours per week. Eligible for all benefits except Tuition benefits; eligible for 403(b) Retirement Plan at age 21.

Part-time Faculty are not 有资格获得新大的福利,但可以向403(b)退休计划缴款,而没有新大的匹配缴款. 大学的兼职教员在适当的教授级别之前获得“客座教授”或“兼职教授”的头衔, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor. Part-time faculty may also be appointed as Lecturer, Executive-in-Residence and as Scholar-in-Residence.

Post Doctoral Fellows

聘期有限的全职博士后研究员, typically less than one year; 35 hours per week. 符合医疗,牙科,视力,基本生活保险(10,000美元),补充人寿保险,AD的资格&D Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, 403(b) Retirement Plan (no SMU matching contribution), paid Sick Leave, Social Security, federal withholding, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation holidays.

博士后研究员没有资格获得名誉医疗帐户, 403(b) Retirement Plan (with SMU matching contribution), Long-Term Disability, Vacation Leave and Tuition Benefits.

Temporary, Contractual or Student Employees

SMU benefits are not available for these employees.

Dependent Eligibility Criteria

新大要求所有参加新大福利计划的家属符合以下资格标准. 了解资格标准并注册是非常重要的 only those dependents that meet this criteria. 覆盖不符合条件的家属违反了《威尼斯人娱乐城》, as well as University Policy. 如果您的孩子不符合资格或变得不符合资格,您必须通过电子邮件通知人力资源部 benefitsu@julihui168.com immediately.

新大已与UnifyHR签订合同,代表新大对所有在新大医疗中心注册的受抚养人进行受抚养资格核查, Dental and/or Vision plans. If you enroll one or more dependents, 您需要提交可接受的文件,以验证每个受抚养人都有资格获得保险. 您将从UnifyHR收到的邮件中包含说明和每种依赖类型的可接受文件的详细清单. If you have questions about the verification process, please call UnifyHR Customer Care at 469-283-0942 or email support@UnifyHR.com.

What Are The Dependent Eligibility Rules?

合格的家属包括您的合法配偶和受抚养子女. "Children" are defined as your natural children, stepchildren, legally adopted children, and children under your legal guardianship.

  • Medical Plans: 孩子到26岁——即使孩子不再上大学, doesn't live with his/her parents, is married, and/or is not a declared dependent.

  • Dental Plan: Unmarried children until age 26 (regardless of student status).

    • Coverage ends on the day prior to attainment of age 26.

  • Vision Plan: 未婚子女直至25岁(不论学生身份).

    • 保险截止日期为25岁生日当月的最后一天.

  • Dependent Life Insurance Plan:  25岁以前的未婚子女(不论学生身份)和未婚的自然或收养的孙辈, until age 25, who are financially dependent upon you for support.

  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D): 25岁以前的未婚子女(不论学生身份)和未婚的自然或收养的孙辈, until age 25, who are financially dependent upon you for support.

  • Allstate Identity Protection:  Family plan covers spouse and up to three dependents.

  • LegalGUARD:  Unmarried dependent children, including stepchildren, legally adopted children, children placed in the home for adoption and foster children, up to age 19, 年龄介乎19至25岁,如在认可的学校或学院注册为全日制学生,并主要依靠会员提供资助.

Physically or mentally disabled children 任何年龄不能自理的人都有资格继续获得保险. Proof of disability is required.

Dependent Eligibility Verification

新大已与UnifyHR签订合同,对新大医疗中心注册的所有受扶养人进行受扶养人资格核查, Dental and /or Vision plans.  Shortly after you complete your life event enrollment, 您将收到UnifyHR的邮件,要求提供文件以验证每个受抚养人都有资格获得保险.  说明、常见问题解答和可接受文件的详细列表将包括在邮件中.


Loss of Dependent Eligibility

Please review the COBRA 页面,了解不再符合SMU医疗资格要求的家属的保险选择, dental, or vision coverage.

Michelle's Law

"Michelle's Law" became a federal law effective October 2009. 这项立法使患有严重疾病或受伤的学生可以休病假,在此期间,他们可以将课程负担减少到全日制以下,或离开大学至多12个月, 专注于他们的健康需求——而不损害他们赖以支付必要医疗服务的保险. Following are several key points. 如果您的孩子处于这种情况,请致电214-768-3311人力资源部.


  • 它适用于受父母健康保险计划覆盖的学生.

  • “病假”可以指学生缺课或减少他/她的课程负担为兼职.

  • 病假开始的日期由学生的医生决定.